Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I find myself getting a little sad as I realize in a month we have been here 2 whole years. I admit I have been guarded in who I meet, I never realized just how shy and anxious I am in unfamiliar surroundings, trying to meet new people. It has been a struggle for me but honestly most days I am completely content at home with the furbabies and hubby, and now that Ashlyn is here, it makes my days move so much faster. Nothing like keeping up with a teenager and her schedule to help time pass.
   I can say, I have been so blessed in having the 3 amazing friendships back in Decatur, well 1 of those wanders the East coast a lot but her home is there. Surprisingly, these friendships have grown stronger and stood the test of time and distance. The changes our family has undergone have been great, I am so proud of our boys and all that they have accomplished here and seeing them create amazing lives of their own.
   Now that we are coming up on living in our little tiny house on the hill for a year in 2 short months, I realize too, that we need more space, or at least more customized space, especially with a full time teenager and our part timer too. Plus it never fails, we have one of the boys over 2 or more nights a week, sleeping on the floor or in my chaise, lol. But this moma doesn't mind one bit. I do miss them when they are busy with their work and lives and don't get around to visiting as much. I've learned that life is so much more than the big house with the swimming pool or pretty door, I've learned it's more about the life inside.
   I've have some struggles this year. My surgery knocking me down for a while really reminded me of why I loved having true, caring friends around that would make it a priority to come hang out on nights Vern had to work, Or come help me if I asked. I have been blessed with a husband who never misses a beat when I need him most. Also, family who will drop what they can and do all they can to be here for any of us when we need them. I've also got two great boys that have been so helpful coming to visit on days Vern had to work, taking me to out of town Dr appointments, or just tagging along on one of my Alabama trips just to keep me company. I couldn't get through those rough days without any of  them.
    I'm feeling the familiar pains of memories of summer, and summers past flooding my mind, as it seems always happens this time of year for me. Knowing that it's just a matter of time before the shorter, darker, damper, colder days start creeping in and take away my time outside working in the garden, doing yard work, or finding a New treasure to hike around in these beautiful mountains that surround us.
   More than I ever thought possible, our move to Tennessee has changed my life in countless ways. I still find days I'm extremely homesick, missing the craziness of our life in Florence. Even though I didn't call it home for long, that's where our family came together, our kids became siblings, where we created so many wonderful memories... And where I took on the best title I have ever owned. Vern's wife....

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 Recently played a few games on Caldera (warzone) and then... Lots of luck in this one, but satisfying